Parking and Other Bylaw Violation Tickets

Edmontonians are encouraged to respect and comply with municipal bylaws. It is your responsibility to pay your bylaw ticket on or before the due date. If you do not, you may be automatically convicted in the absence and will be required by law to pay the fine and any applicable late fees.

The City of Edmonton does not have the ability to grant extensions to the due date stated on the ticket.

The City has many options for paying your bylaw ticket, including paying online. Please be advised that the Traffic Tickets Digital Service, cannot be used to pay or dispute a bylaw ticket, issued by the City of Edmonton.

City of Edmonton Bylaw Ticket Options

Option 1:
To pay your City of Edmonton bylaw ticket
, review the listed options on the back of your ticket. Please pay your ticket by the date indicated on your ticket to avoid additional fines.

Option 2:
If you would like a review of your options, or have any questions contact
Bylaw and Ticket Administration by phone at 780-496-5161, Monday to Friday from 8:30am-noon and 1-4pm.

Option 3:
To take your ticket to trial
, you will need to wait until you receive a provincial violation ticket in the mail. Please follow the details on your ticket once you receive it.

How to Pay City of Edmonton Bylaw Tickets


Submit your bylaw ticket payment online 24/7.

By Mail

City of Edmonton
PO Box 2024
Edmonton, AB T5J 4M6

In Person

10111-104 Avenue
Monday to Friday, 8am-4:30pm
Closed: Saturday, Sunday and Stat Holidays

Automated Enforcement

Automated enforcement tickets (red light/speed-on-green and photo radar).

Provincial Violation Ticket Options

Option 1:
Pay your Province of Alberta violation ticket
by the date indicated on your ticket.
Alternative ways to pay can be found at Alberta Fine Payments.

Option 2:
Have a municipal prosecutor review the ticket: email

Include the following details in your email: name the ticket was issued under, the ticket number, the next court appearance date and any additional information that you would like considered upon review. If you do not receive a response to your review by the date indicated on your ticket, please refer to Option 4.

Option 3:
If you require more time to pay the ticket, please contact the courthouse by email at or phone at 780-638-4242.

Option 4:
If you wish to plead not guilty set a trial date by contacting the courthouse by email at , phone at 780-638-4242 or sign the box below the “By Mail” heading and mail it to the courthouse.