Ryan Dube is a freelance contributor to Lifewire and former Managing Editor of MakeUseOf, senior IT Analyst, and an automation engineer.
Updated on July 25, 2023 Reviewed byLisa Mildon is a Lifewire writer and an IT professional with 30 years of experience. Her writing has appeared in Geekisphere and other publications.
In This Article In This ArticleNotifications may not show up on your Android device in any one of several different ways:
Before you start troubleshooting why you aren't receiving any app notifications, always confirm you're connected to at least one network (cellular or Wi-Fi) and have an internet connection. Open your mobile browser and try to search Google for anything. If Google Search doesn't work, you likely have a network connection issue, and you'll need to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi network or mobile data connection first.
There are many different causes for not receiving notifications on your Android.
Notifications not showing up can occur at any time, and it isn't always simple to pinpoint the problem.
Here are some of the ways to fix it when notifications are not showing up on your Android device.
If you aren't sure when the problem started with not receiving notifications on your Android, check the notification history to pinpoint precisely when it began. Knowing this may help you identify when you installed a new app or performed a system update.
How do I hide notifications on my Android lock screen?To hide Android notifications on your lock screen, go to Settings > Notifications and turn off Sensitive notifications. On some devices, you have to go to Settings > General > Apps & notifications > Notifications > Lock screen > Hide sensitive/Hide all or Settings > Lockscreen > Notifications > Hide content.
To stop pop-up notifications on Android, tap and hold the icon of the app you want to block, then tap App info or Information (i) > Notifications. Turn off all the options.
How do I customize notification sounds on Android?To customize Android notification sounds, go to Settings > Notifications > App Settings. Choose an app, tap a notification category, and then tap Sound.
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