The Ministry of Finance offers outreach services to help you understand the provincial sales tax (PST) and your obligations when you buy, sell or lease taxable goods and services. We offer tax education to businesses, industry associations and professional associations through general and industry specific webinars and seminars.
These informative one-hour webinars provide a high-level overview of how the PST may apply to your business. Each webinar consists of a presentation followed by an interactive question-and-answer period.
PST Fundamentals – This webinar covers:
Real Property Contractors – This webinar is designed specifically for those in the real property contractor industry, such as builders, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and drywall installers.
This webinar covers:
Before registering for the Real Property Contractors webinar, we recommend you have a good working knowledge of PST. You may want to register for our PST Fundamentals webinar first.
Registration for our webinars is through Zoho using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers only.
The Ministry of Finance uses Zoho to manage registration for webinars. Your personal information is collected for the purposes of managing webinar registration. The ministry is collecting your personal information via Zoho under section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Webinar registration using Zoho is voluntary. Be aware that IP addresses, webinar responses, name and email address will be collected by Zoho, and this information will be stored and may be accessed outside of Canada. By clicking on the register button, you are consenting to your personal information being disclosed and/or potentially accessed outside of Canada. Your consent is effective as soon as you register.
If you have any questions about consent, or the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact Outreach, PO Box 9432 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9M9,
If you represent a Chamber of Commerce, an association or similar organization and are interested in a dedicated webinar or seminar for your members, email us at . We require a minimum attendance of 15 people for designated sessions.