Please see General Information - Locksmith Licensing Process (Word) for instructions on how to complete the forms and obtain your license.
Additional Requirement for Licensure: Criminal Background Check
The owner or designee is required to undergo a full state and federal criminal history record check through the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository. There is a separate fee that will be handled by or paid to the fingerprinting location.
As a condition of employment, all employees who provide locksmith services on behalf of a licensed business must undergo the same background check. Employees who do not provide such services are not bound by this requirement.
The Maryland Locksmiths Act empowers the Department to deny a license to an applicant who under the laws of the United States or of any state, is convicted of a:
License Period: Two-year period from the date of issuance.
Maryland Department of Labor
1100 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Dial 7-1-1 to place a call through Maryland Relay